
v2.3.8 -
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Class: Rails::VendorGemSourceIndex
- 1.0.0
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- 5.1.7
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- 7.0.0
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# File railties/lib/rails/vendor_gem_source_index.rb, line 32 def refresh! # reload the installed gems @installed_source_index.refresh! vendor_gems = {} # handle vendor Rails gems - they are identified by having loaded_from set to "" # we add them manually to the list, so that other gems can find them via dependencies Gem.loaded_specs.each do |n, s| next unless s.loaded_from.to_s.empty? vendor_gems[s.full_name] = s end # load specifications from vendor/gems Dir[File.join(Rails::GemDependency.unpacked_path, '*')].each do |d| dir_name = File.basename(d) dir_version = version_for_dir(dir_name) spec = load_specification(d) if spec if spec.full_name != dir_name # mismatched directory name and gem spec - produced by 2.1.0-era unpack code if dir_version # fix the spec version - this is not optimal (spec.files may be wrong) # but it's better than breaking apps. Complain to remind users to get correct specs. # use ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn, as the logger is not set yet $stderr.puts("config.gem: Unpacked gem #{dir_name} in vendor/gems has a mismatched specification file."+ " Run 'rake gems:refresh_specs' to fix this.") unless @@silence_spec_warnings spec.version = dir_version else $stderr.puts("config.gem: Unpacked gem #{dir_name} in vendor/gems is not in a versioned directory"+ "(should be #{spec.full_name}).") unless @@silence_spec_warnings # continue, assume everything is OK end end else # no spec - produced by early-2008 unpack code # emulate old behavior, and complain. $stderr.puts("config.gem: Unpacked gem #{dir_name} in vendor/gems has no specification file."+ " Run 'rake gems:refresh_specs' to fix this.") unless @@silence_spec_warnings if dir_version spec = spec.version = dir_version spec.require_paths = ['lib'] ext_path = File.join(d, 'ext') spec.require_paths << 'ext' if File.exist?(ext_path) = /^(.*)-[^-]+$/.match(dir_name)[1] files = ['lib'] # set files to everything in lib/ files += Dir[File.join(d, 'lib', '*')].map { |v| v.gsub(/^#{d}\//, '') } files += Dir[File.join(d, 'ext', '*')].map { |v| v.gsub(/^#{d}\//, '') } if ext_path spec.files = files else $stderr.puts("config.gem: Unpacked gem #{dir_name} in vendor/gems not in a versioned directory."+ " Giving up.") unless @@silence_spec_warnings next end end spec.loaded_from = File.join(d, '.specification') # finally, swap out full_gem_path # it would be better to use a Gem::Specification subclass, but the YAML loads an explicit class class << spec def full_gem_path path = File.join installation_path, full_name return path if path File.join installation_path, original_name end end vendor_gems[File.basename(d)] = spec end @vendor_source_index = end