stub!(sym, opts={}) public

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August 14, 2011
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stub/stub! will always be followed by '.and_return'

this function will aways be followed by ‘.and_return(…)’ because a stub is typically used for returning values. The required argument given to stub is a method name. When a message to this stubbed method name is received by a class or existing object of the class AND ‘.and_return’ is provided, the stub will return whatever was provided as argument to ‘.and_return’.

For example,


  • this will return 5.5% when a message for interest_rate in a HomeLoan class’s object is received.

HomeLoan.stub!(interest_rate).and_return(‘5.5%’, ‘3%’)

  • this will return 5.5% when a message for interest_rate in a HomeLoan class’s object is received FOR THE FIRST TIME but will return 3% for subsequent calls/messages.

June 1, 2009
0 thanks

Typical stub! usage

Typically you would call

June 12, 2009
0 thanks

A stub with argument and return value

it “should use a dummy method with argument and return value” do

 dummy = mock("dummy").stub!(:emulate)
 dummy.should_receive(:emulate).with(:something).and_return("Done! sir!")
 dummy.emulate(:something).should == "Done! sir!"