Notes posted by Milind
RSS feedHandling flash for ajax calls
This is helper method which can be easily used to handle flash for ajax calls
##call it in your js.erb def flash_display response = "" flash.each do |name, msg| msg=msg+"<button type='button' class='close' title='hide' data- dismiss='alert'><i class='fa-times-circle-o fa pull-right'></i></button>".html_safe response = response + content_tag(:div, msg, :id => "flash_# {name}",:class=>"alert alert-danger") do "#{msg}".html_safe end end flash.discard response end
so in your controller,
def get_data_and_update_div @user_details=User.get_details if @user_details.nil?[:error]="Add your details and then submit" format.js { render 'shared/error_messages'} end
in error_messages.js.erb
$('#flash_messages').html("<%= escape_javascript raw(flash_display) %>");
in view file
<div id="flash_messages"> <% if flash[:error] %> <%= content_tag :div, flash['value'], :id =>"flash_error" %> <% end %> </div>
include respond_to in your controller action only if there are multiple formats of that view
consider this
def index @users=User.get_users respond_to do |format| format.html format.json format.js end end
is good if you have a call to users/index by both
<%= link_to ("Show users",user_path)%> ##will render users/index.html.erb ===Also same call but with ajax <%= link_to ("Show users",user_path,remote=>true)%> ##will render users/index.js.erb..handled by respond_to block ===Also same call but with json <%= link_to ("Show users",user_path,remote=>true,:format=>json)%> ##will render users/index.json.erb..handled by respond_to block.
But if you have just first one,so remove respond_to block as you are sure that you only need index.html.erb ALWAYS
def index @users=User.get_users end
So if your action is being called both by BOTH ajax,non-ajax call,its good to use respond_to.
Using render to handle ajax call using same js.erb(DRY)
Suppose your application have many pages using some common view and is updated using ajax,so you can use a single js in multiple views to avoid duplication
format.js { render 'profile/show_user_details' }
And in my profiles/show_user_details.js i can use conditions instead of creating regular partials
<% if params[:controller]== "dashboard"%> $("admin_panel").show(); $("user_panel").hide(); <% elsif params[:controller]== "user"%> $("admin_panel").hide(); $("user_panel").show(); <% elsif params[:controller]== "video"%> $("admin_panel").hide(); $("user_panel").hide(); $("video_panel").show(); <% else %> $("admin_panel").hide(); $("user_panel").hide(); $("video_panel").hide(); <%end%>
simple use
<%= @user.created_at.to_date.to_formatted_s(:long_ordinal)%> => July 5th, 2014
<%=@user.created_at.strftime("%b %d,%Y") %> => Jul 05,2014
quick ref:-
:db # => 2008-12-25 14:35:05 :number # => 20081225143505 :time # => 14:35 :short # => 25 Dec 14:35 :long # => December 25, 2008 14:35 :long_ordinal # => December 25th, 2008 14:35 :rfc822 # => Thu, 25 Dec 2008 14:35:05 +0000
Using fontawesome icons inside link_to
<%= link_to (‘<i class=“fa fa-thumbs-up fa-lg”> </i>’).html_safe, vote_path(@image)%>