Good notes posted by grosser
RSS feedWill discard any order option
order_by(:created_at).find_each == FAIL!!!
class ActiveRecord::Base # normal find_each does not use given order but uses id asc def self.find_each_with_order(options={}) raise "offset is not yet supported" if options[:offset] page = 1 limit = options[:limit] || 1000 loop do offset = (page-1) * limit batch = find(:all, options.merge(:limit=>limit, :offset=>offset)) page += 1 batch.each{|x| yield x } break if batch.size < limit end end end
add index with :quiet=>true option for indices that are possibly already added
# Allows you to specify indices to add in a migration that will only be created if they do not # already exist, or to remove indices only if they already exist with :quiet=>true module ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements
def add_index_with_quiet(table_name, column_names, options = {}) quiet = options.delete(:quiet) add_index_without_quiet table_name, column_names, options rescue raise unless quiet and $!.message =~ /^Mysql::Error: Duplicate key name/i puts "Failed to create index #{table_name} #{column_names.inspect} #{options.inspect}" end alias_method_chain :add_index, :quiet def remove_index_with_quiet(table_name, column_names, options = {}) quiet = options.delete(:quiet) raise "no options allowed for remove_index, except quiet with this hack #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" unless options.empty? remove_index_without_quiet table_name, column_names rescue raise unless quiet and $!.message =~ /^Mysql::Error: Can't DROP/i puts "Failed to drop index #{table_name} #{column_names.inspect}" end alias_method_chain :remove_index, :quiet
ATM does not work in Rails 2.3 Edge
add to test/spec_helper to make it work again…
#spec_helper / test_helper include ActionController::TestProcess
exact url from browser window:
def current_url url_for :only_path=>false,:overwrite_params=>{} end
Also for numeric
1.humanize == “1″ 1000000.humanize == “1.000.000″ 1000.12345.humanize == “1.000,12″
in small cells:
12 € --> 12 € def number_to_euro(amount) number_to_currency(amount,:unit=>'€').gsub(' ',nbsp) end
Detailed messages for a nested model
Detailed messages for a nested model
<%@address = @order.address%> <%=error_messages_for :address%>
select_options_tag - no more worries...
no more explicit options_for_select calls..
def select_options_tag(name='',select_options={},options={}) #set selected from value selected = '' unless options[:value].blank? selected = options[:value] options.delete(:value) end select_tag(name,options_for_select(select_options,selected),options) end