

Ruby on Rails latest stable (v7.1.3.2) - 0 notes - Class: CollectionProxy
size() public

Returns the size of the collection. If the collection hasn’t been loaded, it executes a SELECT COUNT(*) query. Else it calls collection.size.

If the collection has been already loaded size and length are equivalent. If not and you are going to need the records anyway length will take one less query. Otherwise size is more efficient.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :pets

person.pets.size # => 3
# executes something like SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "pets" WHERE "pets"."person_id" = 1

person.pets # This will execute a SELECT * FROM query
# => [
#       #<Pet id: 1, name: "Fancy-Fancy", person_id: 1>,
#       #<Pet id: 2, name: "Spook", person_id: 1>,
#       #<Pet id: 3, name: "Choo-Choo", person_id: 1>
#    ]

person.pets.size # => 3
# Because the collection is already loaded, this will behave like
# collection.size and no SQL count query is executed.
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