select_year(date, options = {}, html_options = {}) public

Returns a select tag with options for each of the five years on each side of the current, which is selected. The five year radius can be changed using the :start_year and :end_year keys in the options. Both ascending and descending year lists are supported by making :start_year less than or greater than :end_year. The date can also be substituted for a year given as a number. Override the field name using the :field_name option, ‘year’ by default.


# Generates a select field for years that defaults to the current year that
# has ascending year values
select_year(, :start_year => 1992, :end_year => 2007)

# Generates a select field for years that defaults to the current year that
# is named 'birth' rather than 'year'
select_year(, :field_name => 'birth')

# Generates a select field for years that defaults to the current year that
# has descending year values
select_year(, :start_year => 2005, :end_year => 1900)

# Generates a select field for years that defaults to the year 2006 that
# has ascending year values
select_year(2006, :start_year => 2000, :end_year => 2010)

# Generates a select field for years with a custom prompt.  Use :prompt => true for a
# generic prompt.
select_year(14, :prompt => 'Choose year')
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