
v1_9_3_392 -
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debug_command(file, line, id, binding)
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# File lib/debug.rb, line 220 def debug_command(file, line, id, binding) MUTEX.lock unless defined?($debugger_restart) and $debugger_restart callcc{|c| $debugger_restart = c} end set_last_thread(Thread.current) frame_pos = 0 binding_file = file binding_line = line previous_line = nil if ENV['EMACS'] stdout.printf "\0032\0032%s:%d:\n", binding_file, binding_line else stdout.printf "%s:%d:%s", binding_file, binding_line, line_at(binding_file, binding_line) end @frames[0] = [binding, file, line, id] display_expressions(binding) prompt = true while prompt and input = readline("(rdb:%d) "%thnum(), true) catch(:debug_error) do if input == "" next unless DEBUG_LAST_CMD[0] input = DEBUG_LAST_CMD[0] stdout.print input, "\n" else DEBUG_LAST_CMD[0] = input end case input when /^\s*tr(?:ace)?(?:\s+(on|off))?(?:\s+(all))?$/ if defined?( $2 ) if $1 == 'on' set_trace_all true else set_trace_all false end elsif defined?( $1 ) if $1 == 'on' set_trace true else set_trace false end end if trace? stdout.print "Trace on.\n" else stdout.print "Trace off.\n" end when /^\s*b(?:reak)?\s+(?:(.+):)?([^.:]+)$/ pos = $2 if $1 klass = debug_silent_eval($1, binding) file = $1 end if pos =~ /^\d+$/ pname = pos pos = pos.to_i else pname = pos = pos.intern.id2name end break_points.push [true, 0, klass || file, pos] stdout.printf "Set breakpoint %d at %s:%s\n", break_points.size, klass || file, pname when /^\s*b(?:reak)?\s+(.+)[#.]([^.:]+)$/ pos = $2.intern.id2name klass = debug_eval($1, binding) break_points.push [true, 0, klass, pos] stdout.printf "Set breakpoint %d at %s.%s\n", break_points.size, klass, pos when /^\s*wat(?:ch)?\s+(.+)$/ exp = $1 break_points.push [true, 1, exp] stdout.printf "Set watchpoint %d:%s\n", break_points.size, exp when /^\s*b(?:reak)?$/ if break_points.find{|b| b[1] == 0} n = 1 stdout.print "Breakpoints:\n" break_points.each do |b| if b[0] and b[1] == 0 stdout.printf " %d %s:%s\n", n, b[2], b[3] end n += 1 end end if break_points.find{|b| b[1] == 1} n = 1 stdout.print "\n" stdout.print "Watchpoints:\n" for b in break_points if b[0] and b[1] == 1 stdout.printf " %d %s\n", n, b[2] end n += 1 end end if break_points.size == 0 stdout.print "No breakpoints\n" else stdout.print "\n" end when /^\s*del(?:ete)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ pos = $1 unless pos input = readline("Clear all breakpoints? (y/n) ", false) if input == "y" for b in break_points b[0] = false end end else pos = pos.to_i if break_points[pos-1] break_points[pos-1][0] = false else stdout.printf "Breakpoint %d is not defined\n", pos end end when /^\s*disp(?:lay)?\s+(.+)$/ exp = $1 display.push [true, exp] stdout.printf "%d: ", display.size display_expression(exp, binding) when /^\s*disp(?:lay)?$/ display_expressions(binding) when /^\s*undisp(?:lay)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ pos = $1 unless pos input = readline("Clear all expressions? (y/n) ", false) if input == "y" for d in display d[0] = false end end else pos = pos.to_i if display[pos-1] display[pos-1][0] = false else stdout.printf "Display expression %d is not defined\n", pos end end when /^\s*c(?:ont)?$/ prompt = false when /^\s*s(?:tep)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ if $1 lev = $1.to_i else lev = 1 end @stop_next = lev prompt = false when /^\s*n(?:ext)?(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ if $1 lev = $1.to_i else lev = 1 end @stop_next = lev @no_step = @frames.size - frame_pos prompt = false when /^\s*w(?:here)?$/, /^\s*f(?:rame)?$/ display_frames(frame_pos) when /^\s*l(?:ist)?(?:\s+(.+))?$/ if not $1 b = previous_line ? previous_line + 10 : binding_line - 5 e = b + 9 elsif $1 == '-' b = previous_line ? previous_line - 10 : binding_line - 5 e = b + 9 else b, e = $1.split(/[-,]/) if e b = b.to_i e = e.to_i else b = b.to_i - 5 e = b + 9 end end previous_line = b display_list(b, e, binding_file, binding_line) when /^\s*up(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ previous_line = nil if $1 lev = $1.to_i else lev = 1 end frame_pos += lev if frame_pos >= @frames.size frame_pos = @frames.size - 1 stdout.print "At toplevel\n" end binding, binding_file, binding_line = @frames[frame_pos] stdout.print format_frame(frame_pos) when /^\s*down(?:\s+(\d+))?$/ previous_line = nil if $1 lev = $1.to_i else lev = 1 end frame_pos -= lev if frame_pos < 0 frame_pos = 0 stdout.print "At stack bottom\n" end binding, binding_file, binding_line = @frames[frame_pos] stdout.print format_frame(frame_pos) when /^\s*fin(?:ish)?$/ if frame_pos == @frames.size stdout.print "\"finish\" not meaningful in the outermost frame.\n" else @finish_pos = @frames.size - frame_pos frame_pos = 0 prompt = false end when /^\s*cat(?:ch)?(?:\s+(.+))?$/ if $1 excn = $1 if excn == 'off' @catch = nil stdout.print "Clear catchpoint.\n" else @catch = excn stdout.printf "Set catchpoint %s.\n", @catch end else if @catch stdout.printf "Catchpoint %s.\n", @catch else stdout.print "No catchpoint.\n" end end when /^\s*q(?:uit)?$/ input = readline("Really quit? (y/n) ", false) if input == "y" exit! # exit -> exit!: No graceful way to stop threads... end when /^\s*v(?:ar)?\s+/ debug_variable_info($', binding) when /^\s*m(?:ethod)?\s+/ debug_method_info($', binding) when /^\s*th(?:read)?\s+/ if DEBUGGER__.debug_thread_info($', binding) == :cont prompt = false end when /^\s*pp\s+/ PP.pp(debug_eval($', binding), stdout) when /^\s*p\s+/ stdout.printf "%s\n", debug_eval($', binding).inspect when /^\s*r(?:estart)?$/ $ when /^\s*h(?:elp)?$/ debug_print_help() else v = debug_eval(input, binding) stdout.printf "%s\n", v.inspect end end end MUTEX.unlock resume_all end